It is so nice to see Personal sacred Geometry drawings become Logos and Stamps that have turned into emblems, stamps and even used for branding the products ! Products directly from nature, with love and wisdom prepared healing ointments, hydrolats, fantastic teas with the taste of a flowering meadow and much more. I myself was even surprised that this ointment of celandine helped to dispel the pain in 2 days 🙂
Products ant their images by: Rima Andrijauskaite
Below you can see some other personal and family emblem designs drawn for humans who took the path of taking back their full sovereignty. Personal sacred geometry encoded drawings with explanations of symbols that came through for them later on become digital files for stamps production, unique frames for the documents are also designed. The connection that is created in the process is very personal, and involves close communication in the process.
It is one of the best ways I can use my abilities, as it serves a higher purpose and the art has a practical application in real life. Path to sovereignty involves many steps.
The first one most probably is defining who you are and why you would need your own emblem, a stamp. Sometimes a live human is not enough. And on the way you find out that all of us are True Kings and Queens in our own life.